

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Morning Sickness - The Bodies Quest for Perfection

My friend Edele describes morning sickness as hormone poisoning, and I don't think she's too far off the mark. The miracle of growing a human is mind boggling and amazing, but seriously, why can't the process release happy feelings, not sea sick feelings?

I think I have it sussed. My body is whinging to me. Can't feel too cold, can't feel too warm, don't get hungry, don't over-eat, don't lay on that angle...blah blah blah. But instead of feeling normal triggers (coldness, hunger etc) my body just has a bitchfit and punishes me with waves of grossness.

And don't get me started with smells! My mum will agree that my sense of smell was good to begin with, but now I have smell bionic superpowers. The dog can fart down the back of the yard & I gag. All hell breaks loose if Craig dares spray that disgusting Lynx deodorant in the bedroom. "But you used to like it!" "Well now I feel like a spider getting Mortein'ed" We have 3 packets of different brands of wipes at home. All failed the smell test and are never to be used again. I am currently using Gaia Bamboo organic wipes and they pass the test, this week.

Well have to go now, I feel that gross sea sickness coming again. I think I might be thirsty. Or maybe I need to go to the loo? Don't worry, I'm sure it will be over soon. Brodie, I refuse to believe that it will last more than one trimester, and to anyone else who has their own horror story of having m/sickness for more that 12 weeks - I DON'T WANT TO KNOW! ...ignorance is bliss....

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